The following AFIs are linked to capacity, capability and demand management therefore are grouped due to the overlap of activity:
- The force needs to improve the capacity and capability of its response teams (Response)
- The force is failing to properly resource the teams that investigate domestic abuse (Investigation)
- The force needs to review how it allocates resources to ensure it can meet demand (Strategic Planning)
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion February 2023)
- Additional sixty-nine officers posted to Local Policing (43 to Local Policing Teams and 26 to VITs)
- Three day supervisory investigative improvement course developed, delivered and now mandated
- Detective capacity increased across Vulnerability Investigation Teams (VIT) with further growth planned
- Domestic Abuse (DA) Hub introduced responding to high, appointment and priority DA calls for service – early evaluation evidences a reduction in work allocated to LP and VIT and excellent victim satisfaction
PEEL Improvement Plan AFIs 1 - 3
- The Local Policing review focused on establishment of victim based teams, shift pattern and achievable numbers
- The FCIR Transformation Programme includes pillar to review and resolve appropriate crime at the first point of contact reducing demand for frontline officers
- Continued and ongoing reviews of high risk DA, detective capacity and skills profile for detective based teams
- Evaluation of the DA Hub and continued roll out of the pilot to the wider force
- Crime Academy providing support to those on the detective pathway to ensure continued progression to accreditation
- Review of Neighbourhood Policing continues to ensure effective service delivery to the public whilst ensuring sustainable demand management and capability against key local and national requirements
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 4
Victim Service Assessment
- The force needs to improve how it collects information about the diversity of crime victims and use this to ensure it serves different communities equally
Of note, all forces inspected for PEEL have received this area for improvement and therefore this is being addressed nationally by the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC)
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion May 2023)
- A working group has been established to ensure early considerations are identified to operationalise the collation of protected characteristics
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 5
- The force continues to work with the NPCC in the production of a nationally agreed position on recording protected characteristics across police systems
Engagement / Treating the Public with Fairness and Respect
- The force should improve the way it assesses public satisfaction with the service it provides
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion January 2023)
- Research undertaken with other forces and a product has been identified which could improve the way the force assesses public satisfaction beyond the current focus of vulnerability
- Costings for a new system being explored in order to present a proposal to Chief Officers
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 6
- Victim survey to be carried out by the Innovation Task Force as part of work taking place to review the service provision to victims
Preventing Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour
- The force needs to ensure that neighbourhood policing officers have access to structured training
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion April 2023)
- Examples of good practice identified to inform the development of a structured programme of training to enhance the current provision
- Learning and Development leading on the introduction of a bespoke training package
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 7
- Review of Neighbourhood Policing continues to ensure effective service delivery to the public whilst ensuring sustainable demand management and capability against key local and national requirement; training is part of this review
Responding to the Public
- The force needs to make sure that repeat callers and those that are vulnerable are routinely identified
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion December 2022)
- Review of THRIVE application by call takers undertaken and high compliance found
- FCIR Learning and Development will ensure ongoing monitoring and include in continuous professional development
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 8
- Further research being undertaken with other forces in respect of recording repeat callers and those that are vulnerable to further enhance the process
- FCIR Transformation Programme includes a review of current and future technology which may provide further opportunities to automate identification of repeat callers
Responding to the Public
- The force needs to make sure call takers give advice on the preservation of evidence and crime prevention
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion December 2023)
- New service implemented which ensures victims are provided with a text message link to crime prevention advice
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 9
- ‘My Community Voice’ now utilised to provide crime prevention advice to the wider community
- FCIR Learning and Development will ensure ongoing monitoring and include in continuous professional development
- Scene preservation advice is provided when appropriate by call takers however further work is underway to review and identify where further enhancements can be made.
Responding to the Public
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion December 2023)
- Review of incident grading undertaken; found to follow national guidance and believed to be fit for purpose
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 10-12
- The force does not have attendance targets; well established performance management processes continue to maintain oversight and management of response to incidents
- DA Hub introduced which directs appropriate victims to a police officer who is able to respond immediately or receive a virtual policing response
- Daily governance in place to ensure constant monitoring of response to incidents
- FCIR Transformation Programme includes uplifting resources, enhancing working practices and better use of technology
Investigating Crime
The following AFIs are linked to investigative quality therefore are grouped due to the overlap of activity:
10.The force needs to make sure that crimes are allocated and investigated in a timely manner
11.Investigation plans should be created where applicable and properly supervised
12.The force needs to take every opportunity to pursue offenders when victims disengage
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion January 2023)
- Crime Management and Investigative Quality Board chaired by the Assistant Chief Constable for Crime focuses on raising investigative standards, developing, and supporting the investigative workforce and setting clear standards
- Quality assurance framework established reviewing over 400 investigations a month and offering extensive guidance and support to officers and supervisors, resulting in improved performance
- Three day supervisory investigative improvement course developed, delivered and now mandated
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (continued)
- Chief Constable and Deputy Chief Constable holding a series of operational engagement events with every Chief Inspector, Inspector and Sergeant
- Research being undertaken with other forces to review best practice in respect of allocation of crime
Policy in place providing clear expectations in respect of evidence led prosecutions when a victim disengages
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 13
13.The force needs to make sure the needs of all victims are assessed so they can be supported
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion December 2022)
- Review undertaken to assess current compliance in respect of Victim Care Cards and Victim Needs Assessment; officers found to have high awareness of responsibilities
- Continued review of compliance through well established performance management processes
- Consultation undertaken with officers in respect of further improvements to increase efficiency and effectiveness such as QR codes, form revisions and identifying best practice
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 14
Investigating Crime
Action Taken & Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion December 2022)
- Crime Management and Investigative Quality Board chaired by the Assistant Chief Constable for Crime focuses on raising investigative standards, developing, and supporting the investigative workforce and setting clear standards
- Three day supervisory investigative improvement course developed, delivered and now mandated
- Policy updated and communicated to ensure clear expectations are set in respect of obtaining a record of a victims wishes to withdraw support and the action required if this record cannot be obtained
- Data Audit Team will review and test compliance to measure progress in due course
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 15
Protecting Vulnerable People
The force should make sure that orders protecting victims of domestic abuse are considered in all appropriate cases
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion November 2022)
- Proactive DA Teams target offenders who pose the greatest risk utilising protective orders
- Increases in Domestic Violence Prevention Notices (DVPNs) sought and Domestic Violence Protection Orders
(DVPOs) granted by the court continue to increase as a result of continued focus and reinforcement with staff
Performance continues to be monitored to ensure this area for improvement is consistently achieved
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 16
Protecting Vulnerable People
The force should maintain and improve the wellbeing of staff involved in protecting vulnerable people
Action Taken & Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion December 2022)
- Strategy and action plan agreed which provides a holistic approach to wellbeing considerations including line management engagements and more formal learning and awareness opportunities
- Peer support programme will be progressed to promote wellbeing locally and dissemination of force-wide activities and initiatives to ensure all officers and staff are aware of the wellbeing support available to them
- Health and Wellbeing Services continue to engage and work with PVP teams, and a number of positive engagements with staff have taken place
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 17
Protecting Vulnerable People
17. The force needs to review its policy for people released on bail and while under investigation
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion January 2023)
- Comprehensive bail management policy and clear governance in place
- In line with changes to the Bail legal framework processes are being reviewed to ensure improvements continue to be made (management and delivery plan in place)
- Superintendents conduct six month reviews in line with NPCC guidelines
- Kent has led on a work with other Athena forces to redefine the suspect status recorded in order to ensure a consistent approach is applied when identifying high risk offenders and that they are relentlessly pursued
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 18
Managing Offenders and Suspects
18. The force needs to review whether its operating model is hampering its ability to effectively manage registered sex offenders
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion December 2022)
- Management of Registered Sex Offenders (RSOs) adheres to authorised professional practice (APP)
- Review of offender management structures, resources and capability underway to ensure the provision is as effective as it can be
- Performance framework demonstrating consistent improvements in performance
- Review of the MAPPA Strategic Management Board has been undertaken and new arrangements are being introduced to strengthen the MAPPA processes across Kent
PEEL Improvement Plan AFI 19
Managing Offenders and Suspects
19. The force should review its digital capability and capacity to effectively target online child abuse
Action Taken and Ongoing Activity (Anticipated Completion January 2023)
- All staff within online child abuse teams are trained and aware of the opportunities for early examination of devices
- The Digital Forensic Unit will attend warrants with online child abuse teams and complete relevant downloads on the same day with multiple examples of this leading to remands and charges
- Peer to peer reviews across teams has enabled the sharing of best practice and training on the use of digital assets, resulting in an upturn in performance
- Review of offender management detailed under AFI 18 included digital capability and capacity